You'll learn strategies and secrets, like...
- Why calorie counting will never work for long term weight loss and how restricting calories is probably the worst thing you can do to lose weight.
- Why carbs are not your enemy and how to enjoy a healthy fat burning nutrition program that includes all the carbs you need.
- Which "so called" health foods are actually making your body store tons of fat
- Why you must, must, must eat lots of food in order to finally shed the pounds and why many people have been falsely led to believe the complete opposite.
... And much, much more!
“I’m a thin 43 year old woman. Since my 20s, I’ve had an interest in nutrition and learned a lot of things since then. I also began to see fat on my stomach and over the years it never disappeared, in fact I began to see more! I would go to the gym, but nothing would happen. I really learned a lot with the DSP. I adore pasta , bread and cereals and was able to make it through the 14 days without them! I lost 3.1 cm on my waist. I feel better now without wheat, as I am not bloated. I love all the information I’ve read to help me to achieve my goals of burning fat and being in good health. Thank you, Isabel. Your DSP is fantastic and a treasure! “
“From a size 14 to an 8!”
“I just wanted to say thank you! Your program has worked great for me.
I am one of those people that has struggled with my weight all of my life. I remember in second grade my class did charts of everyone’s height and weight, and I weighed the most even back then! The only time in my life I was anywhere close to a healthy weight was in high school when I was playing soccer and we trained a couple hours a day, 6-7 days a week. When I went to college, what is the freshman 15 for most people was more like the freshman 40 for me. At my fattest (I think around sophomore year of college), I weighed in close to 200 pounds (I am only 5’ 4’’).
I have tried losing weight several times, but nothing seemed to work for very long. I’ve especially had problems dieting…whenever I cut calories, I get tired and cranky, and even if I lose any weight, it just comes right back. I’ve tried a variety of pills and shakes (none of them worked) and those stupid lean cuisine things always leave me hungry.
To make matters worse, I am a graduate student, and life is pretty stressful. My qualifying exam was in February of 2008, and I put on a TON of weight while preparing for it. I was eating a lot of fast food because had no time for anything else (was always studying), and I think the stress itself added a couple extra pounds. I actually had a nightmare where I woke up the morning of my qualifying exam and had to wear jeans because I was too fat to fit into my nice pair of dress pants! The other sort of wake-up call for me happened around the same time when my dad told me he was prediabetic, and I am EXACTLY like my dad, so I was really worried about becoming prediabetic too.
After passing my qualifying exam, I decided I really needed to do something about my weight (which at the time was about 190). I spent a lot of time searching online for something that I thought would work, and finally was lucky enough to happen upon Mike Geary’s webpage. I ended up buying his “Truth about Six-Pack Abs” program, and your program which he highly recommended. Using your nutrition advice and his workouts (I also sometimes use Jon Benson’s “7 Minute Muscle” workouts), I have lost nearly 40 pounds and gone from a size 14 pants to a size 8. I still would like to drop one more pant size, but I think I’m doing pretty well so far!
This is truly one of the only, completely FREE`v ideos that delivers real health, diet and nutrition information that you can implement right away.
This video contains multiple fat loss strategies tosee stubborn fat come right off your body.